Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Chapter 255 north sea
Faraway north, all whole year round covers with an expanse of white color at the one under.
This is the extremely bad place that a personal vestige is rare to go to, exist a condition.
At north Jiang in, although the mankind's existence pressure isn't small, when the common run of people comes together together, remain is exist down, and develop the violent personality of a firm and unyielding.
But, in the North Sea, be not the common mankind can exist down of.
Can live down here of, is all strongest living creature in the nature,monster beats by dre christmas gift discount online.The strong that the probably individual mankind win can exist in the North Sea, but here will never be lost to whole.
"Roar ……"
The huge growl in the sky and far and far spreads and resounds.
In all sea after living creature heard this voice, is all facing deeper sea bottom of one beehive to go in secret but go to, but live the living creatures on the consumedly small islet island in the North Sea is all to tightly shrink to shrink a Bo neck after hearing this together huge and roaring, later on slowly pendency head, facing oneself's den dodge returned to.
Which afraid is belly again hungry, also have no living creature to have courage to challenge this orotund of host.
"Armor,Artist Series, you are screaming madly what."Whispering of a head of huge seal disaffection.
Armor carry the vision of dragon on armor's back accepted back from the faraway south, it slightly anxious way:"Is already the tenth day, why haven't they arrived?"
The seal humed Chi a , way:"If I don't know that however you if would like to, can go to the north Jiang ice temple to inquire for a while."
Armor carry dragon on armor's back the bloodthirsty vision immediately move to seal, let its single face so many strong to mankinds to the ice temple ……
Although armor carry dragon on armor's back to own defence capabilities very of self-confidence, but will never think if oneself did like this and so also had the possibility to come back.
It is to feel the color of fierce Li that the other party eyes spread to seem, the spirit of seal immediately for of a change, on the body any further have no just of the lying prone of lazy ocean ocean take a sunbathe on the noodles in the ice of that kind of is leisurely and carefree.
Almost be for an instant, be full of the brutal breathing of madness on its body, the electricity long grass in silver white gleams on its body, seeming to be at any times will gain the initiative by striking first.
The huge ferocious mien released from two absolute beings monster bodies for squaring off, although they didn't truely exchange blows,had already been good enough to frighten from the breathing filled the air by body the North Sea the living creatures of great majority be scared out of wits.
This is the absolute being monster, real Shinto is strong, they own of Wei ability, is already unique and free from vulgarity.
"Wait for a second."
Immediately spilted open a large entrance to cave on the very thin ice noodles, a huge Beluga floated out from the entrance to cave so.
The surface of the North Sea originally after keeping few years in deep freeze of, all is strong and toughly like the piece of stone steel, but the in front in this huge Beluga, they were like very thin 1 F films, on touching namely Kui, the moment was ground to split.
"You were two and how fought again."Beluga matchless headache's saying.
They two absolute being monsters come from different place, open sea and the North Sea are again two general situation dints that completely and not and mutually command, after of Jiao Jiao in which ran into together, the occurrence orders small rub basically unavoidable.
"They haven't come yet."The armor back dragon hesitated for a while, it laid up the breathing of that Xu power due-out, way.
The vehemence on the seal absolute being monster body is also to mollify down, way:"They should can't break promise."
"Absolutely can't."Beluga firmly of way:"They all have high position and identity in the mankind's society, so can't do an affair for failing to make good promise."
Armor carry whispering of Long Xiao Sheng on armor's back:"If is Long Ma, nature can't, but mankind ……"
Although its voice isn't very big, very obviously of, the Beluga listens to clearly.
"The armor don't forget, my host are also a mankind,do you want to bear his fury?"The Beluga suddenly and suddenly and violently drinks a way.
Armor carry the body of dragon on armor's back immediately is 1 to cringe, it hurriedly the way of no time for waiting:"I have never said, they how again ability and absolute being adult king compare."
The seal puzzlingly looking at his/her owns two companions, is also very suspicious in its heart.
The host of Beluga actually is what kind of person, unexpectedly let the armor back that very is hostile to to the mankind dragon all thus of be afraid.
"The king of the absolute being?Should be that mask person."
On the faraway ice noodles, He a blare of flash across of face a silk coolly smile an idea.
He has already figured out that strong somebody who conceals back at the Beluga, and also some understand mask persons why not begin by himself[herself] and on the contrary want to let three absolute being monsters and the inside Ao wave especially they came the reason of dealing with they,Beats Solo HD.
That affirmation because the absolute being dragon makes moves mask the person beat severely wounded, otherwise that mysterious unfathomable guy is afraid to is early and then appear in person.
Lightly ordered for a while a head, He one the Jing long grass in eye blaring is one Shan, way:"Leave."
White thunder and lightning horse light Si 1, raised four hoofs, the facing front was fast quick of hurricane but go.
On its back, originally was empty none person.But, after it rushed to go the ground in the number, but is suddenly livinged a figure.
Can speed in the white thunder and lightning horse's high speed of remain a steady top horse, this affair if spread to go out, absolutely appalling.
White thunder and lightning horse is a little bit some uncomfortable of twisted body, its nose carried to send out a slight Si call and seemed is for the passenger right away some disaffection.But again be like have to be afraid of in the heart, so don't come to a stop or is refuse riding of the other party.
Just, its speed obviously slowed down, and from the breathing heavily of breath speed to see, a bit anxious with not too have patience.
However, the knight right away to this but is a have no feel, he sitting of prison prison at horseback on, the whole individual is to sit upright big tree to generally radicate here and free to the speed of white horse quick slow, but all can not result in any influence to him.
Finally, the white horse didn't clearly send out together the reason why of grow Si, this is venting the disaffection in the heart, again be like at facing afar off enemy challenge, unexpectedly have Long Yin's vehemence of several cents treasure pig.
Distance, three eyes of absolute being monsters are bright to get up at the same time.
The body Teng of Beluga gets empty but rises and looking at faraway south, it slow track:"Come, one person's one horse, have no strong of other Shinto to follow behind."
Although seal and armor carry dragons on seal and armor's back all at its under, but its voice isn't light, seem to be in the facing some person's to spread.
"Is too smooth."
In the unreal, together and almost at the aery orotund You You of rang to get up.
Before Shinto of the rest strong s are all silent, today, they ten thousand ten thousand surprisingly, the all these seems to be all according to the manuscript that they in advance set is presenting to public, connect a some accident also have no.
And in the He on blaring nearby, three greatest Shintos in the ice temple the strong was unexpectedly a don't also follow behind, this lets to all felt one in their hearts silk different Tan Te.
Once the He blare this guy, true of like this and easily deal with?
The Beluga seems is ponder for a while, this just way:"I will inquire and judge."
When it this sentence tell others of a moment, the whole space immediately calmness come down, in addition to the breathing of the three greatest absolute beings monster, had no any voice of foreign any further here.
The quick white thunder and lightning horse's speed is absolutely only that the world is rare to is an of a short moment on seeing, it already from the public vision and of the afar arrive at neighboring district.
A long Si, white thunder and lightning horse of one hoofs Gao Gao raise before the pair, from its body, nowise cover up that kind of surge of almost at the boiling combat will.
Rush to go this distance from the afar, have already let white thunder and lightning horse's vehemence increase to a high peak, if at this time with armor carry Long Si on armor's back fight, it can absolutely beat the other party can not find north.
With of opposite of, armor carry the eyes of dragon on armor's back in but showed unintentionally a silk to lightly be afraid of color.
Although is this wisp of to fear to a color only is one Shan but lead, it nearby of Beluga and seal all see clearly.
However, the seal not only has no derision and on the contrary takes a commiserative facial expression to looking at it by 1 kind this time.
In the heart of seal, also never think armor back the dragon can really win Long Ma, if they are two together up, probably still have certain of win of possibility, but an of come, that only seeks an of Nue son.
White thunder and lightning horse's long neigh recovers gradually, it stares waters work properly of big eyes, conjecture an armor back with the vision of despise dragon.
Although white thunder and lightning horse wants to be fierce to Li 1:00 very much, its that eyes naturally such, absolutely could not do what evil spirit bad very the shape of sort.
"Ha ha, once the He blare, Long Ma, you indeed as expected went to an appointment since then."
The voice of Beluga from a distance spread to open on the open spaces ice noodles, however in this living creatures in the scope early be escape of escape, hide hide, basically don't dare to easily come out.
Sit upright on blaring icy vision to hope them, the He on the horseback's that facial expression in the eye be like at looking at some corpses general, have no of facial expression.
Face the salute of Beluga, he unexpectedly connects to take to manage an all despise in.
Seal and armor carry the heart of dragon on seal and armor's back in all is to explode with rage, but at the thought of on that day once the He blare a previous performance at the ice temple, they are strong line of to keep on pressing the fury of that son.
The strength owned by absolute being monster is strong matchless, generally far at mankind of together rank on.
But at present this young man but obviously don't belong to among them.
With the intelligence of the absolute being monster, certainly can't easily with He a blare to die Ke.
The Beluga huge body just a little trembled for a while and seemed even it also drive He a blare that kind of doesn't matter of, the attitude of extremely self-conceited to incense.
It angrily the half ring, finally is a heart have been already been afraid of, way:"Once the He blare,you can not answer a ."
A put on the smiling face of taunt is from the He one the corner of mouth blaring present but, he coolly way:"You want a dozen, that beats, garrulous, mother-in-law mother."
The Beluga head is immediately moist to get up, strong water arrows' seeming to be at any time will release.
Which afraid is facing host of, it also never thus be despised.
The wrath of surge piles out from the body of Beluga, that strong vehemence more and successively climbs.The huge guy that has no to compare with the Lun, seem is be placed in an edge that will soon explode.
Thunder and lightning horse of white is abrupt however is again together long Si, this voice accompanies with it only the Cape like the thunderbolt lightning flash up that ambiguously it is thus clear that of the purple color give or get an electric shock a long grass and seem is sending forth a certain fatal threat.
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