Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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One after another three side, the Hao calls tries fierce blunt near our enemy, however count an of interest, the in no circumstances Pu pours and wails aloud, or so rush toward Teng, 1 faces to face personally, immediately one's gathering is deader than I am dusk in, the accurate thermodynamic power guides of the Zan shoot inside.
Being greedy for an achievement not to emit into is exactly to look like usually reckless, waste Liu Zhong Huo who take advantage o the animal courage, at that time ability still on the hoof awakening.The eye sees directly enemy's artillery falling in the middle of connecting fan and receiving a figure to also submerging one grounding to move mountain to shake.Liu Zhong Huo, who sees good and then accepts, then ground teeth to quickly once turn own gun muzzle.
"Break ……" starts to move right string of A the Г rush C-17 Be stuffy to ring, the 30 mm rag kills to harm gun Liu to play fast namely vie with each other in perhaps behind of to it right ahead, connect gunfire in the sky reflect Chen one gather connect rolled to take to climb toward the enemy whom I hurtle face to face to shoot pass by."Bomb ……" still is hand over miscellaneous the stuffy stick of gunfire bombard, didn't detect, didn't cover up, 35 in groups, a pinch spreads out 1, 20 meters at least, the crest wears gunfire Hao call, from my attack face to face to the several tens enemy who kills to rush to come over.Winked, a crest leads a Peng to force to bombard with artillery shot, a positive enemy's subsequence start Cuo to cannot compare with to defend, ten live while stopping to ascend quilt Liu Zhong Huo a stand the A Г C-17 the automatic Liu play to shoot a machine to bomb go to at least 7, 8 stop.Blood and soil fly, not clear so, an is blasted open rag to shoot to pour, everywhere and vacillating, the enemy of miserably fierce wail;Can a , the circle drum drum stares big the blood-red color eyes of unwilling despair.The one is dusky bleak, the ground moves mountain to shake in, once hid a till death the enemy whom I all force cannon is not understand either, those four explode what to shoot into an oneself's body inside is how to come.

Text iron blood soldier's heart(16)
Renew time:2009-2-1312:55:29 chapter word numbers:2593

"Di!Di ……"face one for sky and faint ground secretly, force in the military law Wei next the gunfire go forward abrupt however not clear so of sharply die wound, thoroughly at difficult to express in drive the A Г C-17 the automatic Liu played Zan to shoot to bomb to frighten to death of an enemy succeed by luck cripple remaining, immediately and struck with panically didn't°yet with I the big troops formally hand over fire and then threw down several corpses, surprised shout to bellow, near all force to bombard with artillery to blare in the week'clip a way to send off'under, connect rush toward to take to climb, difficulties' trailing oneself is shot a blood Gu Gu by the rag and bellowed repeatedly of brothers, the flurried Kui keeps on backing.Immediately, greatly parts of enemies, one gathers fierce stand in no fear of deadly to attackstone front side from me impact along with Liu Zhong Huo keep on however is several, the A Г C-17 automatic Liu plays of urgent point shoot, the continuous and never-failing offensive,such as tide, quickly broke file."Roar!"At the moment, the "Tu Tu Tu ……"'s on all sides crest wears gunfire and rounds to come up and mounts fire with me and continuously spouts to shoot P П K and RPG-7 and cover 3322 Haos call hurtle to try to commit suicide of surroundings enemy nearby, still Hun however don't feel.A maneuvers interleave, intensive if the light tracer chain knit hurtles the Peng Peng thunder fire to spout Shan, soil Pi blunt sky in, shoot a hurricane indiscriminately, reckless;That each grain breaks an empty point roar, the disease soon elapses of play Cu Mars, faint on the one sky a ground of dark, the ground moves mountain to shake in, the Xuan He wears a clear ballistic track!
Fly soil to splash indiscriminately, the gunfire Yan reflects the orbit type tripod of fixed A Г C-17 up, already time the deep red blood stain that dyes oneself to sprinkle.Whole body muscle, the acute pain has muscular spasms;Urgent of gunning, just made him sitting the dint after becoming scarred or even roughly stopped bleeding to tie up good wound once again because of wearing automatic Liu to play to shoot a machine keep on the strength of, the wound tears to pieces afresh!Add wound on"………… ha ha …… ha ha ……" wound, add a pain on the pain, the blood isn't only.Even if such, cannot help but shouting pain Liu Zhong Huo of the moan, the still difficult Ning smiles, have no the slightest hesitant, heavy pause for breath, with the perseverance of ordinary people hard imagination, courageously rise hair dint, quickly once turned the gun muzzles C-17s of A Г once again, took aim at near one of week dusky medium, however 2, 300 meters, be together absorbed in me the vehemence hand over fire, Hun however have never felt one to gather enemy's thermodynamic power to cover behind wing-
"Break ……" winks and take 30 mm VOG-17 rag to kill to harm gun Liu to play the Long Long cannon voice in quietly laceration air of sharp-edged roar and shout, another Peng Piao sprinkles sprinkle Li to play rain abrupt however sink into into BMP 7-10:00 direction, be separated Liu Zhong Huo recently the Peng Peng soil Pi blunt sky but rise of the sky faint a ground of dark heavy however 300 meters open an outside, come together together use continuously with the K class of P П to keep on hurtling with the machine gun I continuously inhibit one of sex gunning to gather an enemy.Use white and only take aim at dusky bleak win in the one, follow that Cu Cu blunt I continuously burst out of a light tracer with refreshing source, "Mao Mao ……" one is a little bit hasty, or 2 or 3 rags killing and harming gun Liu and playing don't feel at the enemy machine rifleman of bomb into a body side nearby,Beats by Dre BMW, with breeze book cripple cloud is general, wink and then block one and attackstone at me positive of 7, 8 P П K machine riflemans, don't feel nearby and follow an unlucky rocket RPG-7 tube hand and harm and die together with minority of severals.The dead dead blocks to pound at a positive enemy immediately and count an interest then at me at the enemy to all fail to notice to feel of was poured at least 1/3 by Liu Zhong Huo's a stuffy stick Liao.The continuous and never-failing gunfire has never once broken, "……" should wear rag to kill to harm gun Liu to play to bellow along with several, abrupt however surge of painful and unwilling wail, in a flash a gun Liu that gathers in the almost black gun plays to bellow in, the good luck succeeds in escaping of part by luck, this just quickly discovered its left wing and hid in the mountain to shake ground to move, the originator that faints ground secretly in the sky."What about Si tower!What about Si tower ……"the exclaiming of devolution report to the police and change come of still keep being to don't stop, nowise show consideration of the A Г tuft C-17 the Cu Be stuffy to ring!
Didn't cover, also have no effective bunker, which afraid wake up with a start while ascending of the enemy in a short instant stopped the light tracer Cu shower shot, the honesty is fallen ground, ask for help of white to only take aim at to prognosticate to rush toward the spacious flatness is at the one in of approved about person's form about the position basically don't need accurate take aim at of Liu Zhong Huo can still shoot an urgently but the 30 mms of break to harm gun Liu to play, nowise stingy cherish, impervious to reason 3322 bomb into nearby.
"Mao Mao ……" companion wears with all force cannon to bombard together, blast open Peng Peng to splash the grass of hurricane to pare indiscriminately, soil Pi, wink again 35 enemies who is just surprised to shout to report to the police, nearby four shoot of play a slice to gobble up.Is self-effacing to fall, should wear a moment namely die of thunder fire suddenly now, coagulate life essence, such as the smoke turn a sort to blast open continuously blood line, as well along with suddenly rise to surge the spirit that the Mi spreads a strength, immediately Yan have no horizontal fly dusky and dirtily in the Peng Peng soil Pi in.The dead dead blocks at I attackstone a positive enemy to have preface front, be so namely broken by Liu Zhong Huo's one Tong, thoroughly ground crack!
"Roar!"Mixing up with is awakening and hopes, close by Liu Zhong Huo, have already mounted the enemy whom the fire in a flash wakes up with a start with us, the Ye has RPG-7 and starts to bellow crazy Xiao while ascending, the anti- body starts impact to BMP of Liu Zhong Huo's place!"Tu Tu Tu ……" gun beats ring more,Beats By Dre In Ear, at all the gunfire shout mutually of surplus enemy;Signing to feel a matter can not be, sign organization horse to get up, crazy idea prepare Kui to keep on backing!
Start?Seek dead!Wink, several Cu A Г C-17s are a little bit short, ascend open and spacious in the one of of Ao ascent, blunt wild figure a the wild diagram approach a BMP enemy rocket tube the hand is heartless cover go."Mao Mao ……" winks, a bombs into rag nearby to kill to harm gun Liu to play, heel hurricane, in spite of rush toward, climb, roll, run, all should wear abruptly had no to stop of all stuffy ring, pare off to pour 1 ground.The surplus is several spread out is spacious noodles many roads pound at, have never escaped to hide on sky and faint ground secretly as well, 'Azrael'of eyes;"Bang bang ……" along with a gun gun slowly of M40, dash forward to sign to start,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com, however 2, 300 meters be apart from and completely expose about ten enemies who come from the F bodies, scarcely one can by luck succeed in escaping 7.62 mm Gao Bao of NATO empty point play of see the blood sealing a larynx.
"At 2:00, be apart from 650 meters, the BMP automatic Liu plays to shoot a machine!"The pottery self-renewals, abrupt however a throat don't divide enemy my notification, immediately almost don't let and discovered directly an enemy just strange appearance, climbed to start our several elder brothers who prepared to quickly kill to come forward, frighten a Lie Ju, signed a horse to keep on falling down.
"Kill!"And wear the brotherses to quickly lift to start to gather excitement of wail aloud a voice, keep on few minutes, the vehemence hands over fire, in the interval a Related articles:

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