Friday, November 23, 2012 Pa Si Kui Er obviou

, Knowing the Kai Lei has already thrown away a total champion!
May be realized own tone a bit anxious, the Kai Lei slowed down a mood, and then asked a :"gram Rui Si!It doesn't matter!No matter what happened, I can't living your spirit, I promise!"
"Really!"The gram Rui Si raises head the lookinging at of surprise Kai Lei.
The point of Kai Lei nods, didn't talk and waited for a gram Rui Si next words.
Gram the Rui Si is in a short while silent, just started recollection.Originally after that game ends, the whole families all looking at Kai Lei and applause for Kai Lei, the very small gram of Rui Si feels oneself be neglected, once she connected to shout the wheat Qi quite a few voice, didn't get a response and got angry with under, she wants to frighten her family.
The result hasn't waited she to find out the place that can hide, be shut up by a Wu, next affair she all not know, time waited she to waked up, discover oneself being closed at one dark of room in, she shouted to break throat and towarded a door kick and beat, also no one comes to realize her, just don't arrive her hungry thirst meeting someone deliver for her eat of, she wants to go to a toilet, meeting someone take her go, just each time she has never received ascend eyes, enter toilet after just be taken down.Always the gram Rui Si of child daring to do great mischief is after passing by the fluster in the beginning, soon the town settled come down.She starts cutting and polishing to contact with family, or is escape.
Finally after being closed more than a weeks again, she got an opportunity, that she while go to the opportunity of toilet, took off the air-vent of toilet, beg rare of**make her omnipotent, be incredibly and really drilled into by her, immediately after she escaped from danger, and according to the road in the memory, oneself comes back from walking, if isn't the abode that binds bandit to leave home isn't very far of words, afraid of gram Rui Si even if wasn't bound bandit to kill off, also early famished on the road come back.
No wonder that she just a came back to wear she for the Rang hungry!
Wait understand after settling a dispute the process of feeling, Kai Lei in addition to for gram Rui Si the peaceful out of danger feel rejoice, be feel a burst of behind fear, immediately after the in the mind upsurged to hate to the anger that binds bandit again.
"Gram Rui Si!You can also find out the abode that binds bandit now, I absolutely can't pass his like this!"
"Kai Lei!You want to do what!?"Good need not idea because gram the Rui Si Be peaceful to return, the mood relaxs some wheat Qi, a see the facial expression of Kai Lei feel important event far from good, " Kai Lei,Beats Detox?Lun?Section fertile Er!I warn you, you absolutely can not play the ass, these problem we should hand over to the police the whereabouts reason,cheap dr dre beats, not yourself go to risky, that binding is very likely to have a gun in bandit hand!"
Although the wheat Qi opposes,very pitiful, what she said is really a day after the fair, the Kai Lei early embraces a gram the Rui Si ran to go out, after death of moxa Wei the son Be making track for and still being yelling.
"!This is absolutely too cool!"
At gram Rui Si of under the guide line, the Kai Lei was very quick and then founded out that positioned, moxa Wei the son and gram Rui Si stay at down stairs, the Kai Lei went upstairs alone.Originally think that that binds bandit and discovers after a gram of Rui Si escapes, affirmation will follow to open to slip away, he comes to also just touch this time, who know to wait he to be like front door in the Chuai locker room, open the door Chuai of that house after, will see such a condition.
Opinion the dusk room, an unkempt appearance middle age, loudly appeal to the public over against the television at this time small call, it is Ao fan joys in San Antonio to celebrate victorious appearance to up be impressively broadcasting, San Antonio Ao's streets and alleyses are all happiness crowds.The volume of television is wide open, with as for the Kai Lei came in, that person connect some reaction all have no.
At the thought of oneself beloved younger sister gram Rui Si incredibly drive at present of the man at the place like this closed more than a weeks, the Kai Lei feels a burst of to become angry and hurtle up a big feet, arrived that man Chuai part.
That man Tu encounters stroke, is one Leng first, wait to see a pure bearer is a Kai Lei of time, suddenly peeped out abnormal state on the face of laugh wildly:"ha ha ha!Were you this failed, saw?Great Ao spur of San Antonio all trampled your these bastards to foot, you these chicken hearts only have of the dither of Zhan Zhan in our in fronts!"
See the reaction like this of that person, Kai Lei a surprised, feeling this person isn't a bedlamite, at least also and the bedlamite was about.
"Ha ha ha ha!You don't dare to chase how am I!Don't forget your younger sister still in my hand!"At the thought of gram of Rui Si, that person a surprised, immediately after ran toward the bathroom past, wait he to discover the time disappearing a gram of Rui Si, immediately surprised.
"Which go to?Which go to?"
Just in this time, don't trust Kai Lei a person and so dangerous person together, the moxa Wei son took a gram Rui Si to come up.See gram Rui Si, that mental illness bound bandit to come right away fascination and yelled a dynasty gram Rui Si to rush toward to pass by.
Gram Rui Si although child daring to do great mischief, excessively precocious, after all is still a child, see bind bandit and rush toward to come over toward oneself, gram the small face of the Rui Si immediately frightens the deadly pale is just wanting to loudly exclaim, discover that the Kai Lei has already blocked at her in front, immediately have a sense of security.
Is an one punch again, directly will bind bandit drive out nearly three meters just fall to the ground, immediately after go up and is a burst of to suddenly and violently trample, seem to want to vent in this a moment all exasperations.
The moxa Wei son beside sees of full face excitement, also continuously give decision for Kai Lei:"beat him!Beat his leg!Hey!Kai Lei!Use some son energy!"
Finally the Kai Lei finishes venting, that binding bandit is already also a whole body covered with wounds.
"Moxa Wei son!Report to the police, next affair we hand over to those inferior police to handle!"
The gram Rui Si suddenly asked this time a :"he if ran how to do!?"
"This does so much!"The moxa Wei son won a , one face is crafty and smile of walk to bind the flank of the bandit, raise left foot, used to allow all men to smell breeze extremely frightened of the leg of Liao Yin.
"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"There is the latest chapter renewal in time
Chapter 209 sends punitive expedition
"Bind the bandit Pa Si Kui Er according to the circumstance that we control of so does the plan kidnap a gram of Rui Si?Section fertile Ms. Er, as he says completely because of proceeding from the passion to Ao spur in San Antonio brigade!However in the process of interrogating, crime suspect the mental state of the Pa Si Kui Er obviously has a problem, the expert's diagnosis result said, he gets a very serious paranoid states, how the concrete circumstance of this case is and take up still and just and further in the middle, we will be like public notification related news concerning this case at any time!"
Gram Rui Si true facts of the kidnap case incredibly returns so a matter!
Really and mutually be after making public immediately aroused one surprised noise of shouting in whole the United States, for the kidnap case that has been already told to break, people already interest in the nothing important, they are truely interested in to is the identity of that kidnaper.Because this identity was really a sensitive too much, the fan of San Antonio's Ao spur, previous who all have never thought the true facts will be this appearance, probably they early guessed for someone just always all no one would like to think toward that direction just!
"This is the most absurd affair that my whole life hears, this is absolutely too dirty, for letting the ball team that oneself likes get hold of a total champion, kidnap the family of opponent core player, I miss that Pa's Sir Si Kui Er for NBA alliance a lot of lousy brigades all found out a shortcut of Duo hat, they as long as having been sending the close relatives whom the person kidnaps opponent, or being the player who is simply to kidnap opponent, so they very easy can with Duo hat, you say that I am slandering San Antonio's Ao spur, see ghost!Now is those San Antonio Ao's giblets all over full with mouth, also explain not pure, want to make people believe that they don't have some relation with kidnap case, this is absolutely a square a sky night to talk!"
NBA legend ball star, once led in the spur effect of, the Kai Lei is in NBDL of good friend Luo was virtuous Related articles:

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