Sunday, November 11, 2012

beats by dre studio once A leave volcan

Take together dragging along of AN into magma, let this boy know her ground severe, metal controller isn't a white call of.
The Xiao Yu is empty to slowly start, hang on the face if have have no of smile an idea, not hasty begin, a pair of jet black doubles of eyes continuously and up and down conjecture the body of Ji Nuo.The view roves around everywhere.
Ji Nuo angry way of Rang Rang, "smelly boy, see what see, put and then hurry to put it down old Niang, dawdle what!"
The Xiao Yu is empty to touch chin of way, "do not urgently, putting affirmation has to put drop, before putting it downing your this virago, I have to beat you dizzy first then go, otherwise you are this metal controller, when I leave an angry, drag along me to also come down how to do, to not!?"
The body of the Ji Nuo is one Jiang, but the in the mind is to use various gutter language in the moment the boy scolded a time, he true moon insurance, still want damnedly than the cold ice dragon ……
The Xiao Yu empty vision wily looking at Ji Nuo body of a certain, seem to find out a point of starting very suitablely, just raised a hand, the Ji Nuo arrestment way, "etc., what do you still want?"
Xiao Yu empty just- raised hand, and then put down, a this is that you ask of I Don't mention it of appearance way, "I listen to your grandpa say, you make in the engine the natural endowments of aspect still have to be tall than him,beats by dre studio, is again a born metal controller, I want one set engine and a kind of mineral stone with you!"
The Ji Nuo tightly closes lightly a small mouth, just she this pair the shape does so ground action come, not lovely at all, freckle and big green spot on the face were too very really sceneries, the big black birthmark that appear occasionally on the neck even makes people have nauseating impulse, and very reluctant shape, this pair the facial appearance really make people dare not sing praises, "what kind of engine and mineral stone do you want?"
The Xiao Yu gets empty a to say with smile, "I want of the thing , to other people, probably can hardly make to come to hand, but to Ji Ms. Nuo come to say, should make very easily."
"Say less useless talk, say quickly!"
"I want one set oneself quality not more than 3 kilograms anti- material engine and one ton or so emperor!"
"What!?"Ji Nuo the double eye circle stare after the empty Xiao Yu opened a condition, complete subconscious of surprised shout a way, later on again way, " you were simply to get the magma that I throw into an underneath!"
"You will give me so much good thing, I how willing to give up throw down you go to, you trust like, if I didn't guess wrong, your grandpa there should has these things of, especially emperor, he affirmation have, even if he has no, his good friend expects Sa Luo Be affirmative to have, as for 3 kilograms weigh of anti- material engine, I believe to completely have an ability manufacturing to come out with Ji Ms. Nuo's natural endowments!"The Xiao Yu is empty and suddenly discovers from
Then the business can seem potential is huge.
The Ji Nuo tooks a look the vacillating magma in the screen, the in the mind continuously curses and scolds, but the good female don't accept short-term loss, oneself the true nothing important capital haggle with others now, heart descend a , "on the whole you are malicious, I promised!"
The Xiao Yu gets empty this just take back have been conjecturing the peculiar look in the eyes of Ji Nuo, understand a to say with smile, "this to!Who can't do to suffer a deficit of business!Ji Ms. Nuo, you just of words I but record next, want to deny to is impossible!If don't deny can not of words, my having to bother I to send you again all of a sudden will come."
The noodles of Ji Nuo has no facial expression, in the heart but dark way, see you have already had no this skill when the time comes.
If the white Feng machine A slowly and rise, fly arrive before fall of cave, sit to hang uncanny smiling face in driving the indoor of Xiao Yu getting empty face, really want to fly so to go out, affirmation is inescapable, oneself just is also have environment advantage just can beat with cold ice dragon up a dozen, arrive only afraid isn't the outside an opponent.
"You want to do what, I not is promise you!?Still not and quickly leave this ghost place!"The Ji Nuo fears Xiao Yu empty renege, anxiously say.
" Go out so of words, too not have fun!"The Xiao Yu is empty simple tell a , then be not realizing Ji Nuo with anxious look, the very careful operation begins a handle, let white Feng machine AN in the sky keep a very comfortable posture.
Long range's attackstoning always isn't all what Xiao Yu get empty excel, however at this time the hand of white Feng machine AN inside take cannon of Na Ci of big caliber, this is also white the Feng machine place inside AN of the only a weapon, this kind of thermal energy weapon is also the weapon allocation of the fighter jet most common A, even if is near battleplane AN if the words needing can also pack 1.
The gun muzzle beginning of the cannon of Na Ci savings energy, but usually is to don't need the such under the circumstance, buttonning up the trigger can immediately open gunfire and only bomb a large target under the sistuation that time allows just probably Xu energy ……
The eyebrows of Ji Nuo tightly locks, she really cans not tells this boy to want to do what, don't know as well he why have been dawdling here, difficult don't become is feared a cold ice dragon.
Connect the Ai that have been doing not talk inside west Si face up also present a strong doubt ……
"Cold ice dragon BE!Let today you this ice dragon wash a magma to bathe!"The Xiao Yu vacates but moves and fiercely presses to shoot a button.
Bang ……
The Na Ci cannon gun muzzle of Xu full energy projects a ray of light of sting eye, on tying thick thick light wave, wear cannon but ……
The magma that keeps shotting into to seethe under in ……
Almost at shoot to complete of moment, the white Feng machine A suddenly start, with oneself the biggest extreme limit speed fly into the cave broken through with oneself's body.
Take the light wave of huge energy on shooting into magma, the magma lake is blasted open, but light wave the end then go into to disappear to disappear among them, this unsteady magma lake seethes at this time more violent, inside in have a huge energy that is suppressed to seem to explode to spray through limited Hukou but, but narrow and small of Hukou have already canned not satisfy its breakthrough, the dead dies to press this energy in the underneath.
"Wood soup, this recruits useful?"Soon fly a cave of the Xiao Yu is empty some worry of ask a way, because of anticipant of volcano eruption's seeming don't arrive.
"Should be useful of and live of ground the pit volcano is all very unsteady, as long as the interference that is subjected to outside energy adds to press, necessarily will passive eruption of, besides even if is the impact that the general volcano is thus subjected to huge energy to can't keep quiet, either, how much will have some reaction of, patience of etc. a short while be."Saying of wood soup affirmation.
Have been suspending at this time the cold ice dragon in the night sky but was some to fly off the handle, tower Luo depressedly sit is driving the indoor, it has been ten minutes since he waited at least, but the other party hasn't come out of meaning.
"Mama of, whether he has already feared Lao Tze!"Tower Luo suppresses to bend of say, say that driving is cold ice swoop dragon but descend, prepare to go in lo lo, this chicken heart to exactly be dawdling what.
"Host, their meeting can't escape from the cave just being broken through!?"Bing Long reminds a way.
"As long as that white Feng machine once A leave volcano inner part, I immediately will discover his, radar didn't suggest, so they haven't come out!"Luo of the tower is very affirmative of say.
The inside inside the volcano starts appearing vibration at this time and erupt to go to battle depressed of bellow a voice, imitate a Buddha a giant at moan ……
Drive a cold ice dragon to continuously approach tower Luo of volcanic crater unclearly and feel not to, the ice dragon suddenly sends out an alert at this time, "host, leave at once volcanic crater, the volcano inner part appears energy to bump shot, is about to spew."
"What!?"Tower Luo loudly appeals to the public a , but several distances of 100 meters is really too short to cold ice dragon, have already flown to the volcanic crater at this time.
Fly to the in a flash of volcanic crater in the cold ice dragon, but the next act becomes appreciating to arrive the most sublime natural prospects in his whole life and also becomes his evil-foreboding dream at the same time.

The text chapter 157 should be my to must be my
Renew time:2008-8-2414:00:47 chapter word numbers:4741

Chapter 157 should be my to must be my
Along with hugely bellow a voice, seethe of the magma fight to be the first of blurt out nature in most is familiarly from Related articles:

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