Wednesday, November 21, 2012

cnn continuous transform

So everything ,in Thunder Tiger cognition are unable to understand - then fucks ,Jarre to Thunder Tiger said : feel very strange ? - in your hands do not feel that the strange ,or not called a statue of the sword .
Thunder Tiger replied - no, you ,because you are still confined to understand Wang level ability . Jarre fucks a veto by Thunder Tiger words - Thunder Tiger one, but don which links of the meaning of words ,because he did not understand God power ,only know - nothing to do ,Thunder Tiger is so simple to understand - Yael fucks at Thunder Tiger ,seems to recall a a sad memories ,tight as a Thunder Tiger said : because I was originally do not belong to this world .
- not belong to this world of people ? Thunder Tiger was completely surprised and shocked - Yael fucks laugh ,suddenly from a strange force ,the space around the suddenly happened later ,the whole scene suddenly disappeared - the next moment ,Thunder Tiger is the horror that ,I came to a strange narrow space ,and in their own side of the Yael fucks is a strange sight - it was a very dark caves ,deep ,dark ,however ,Thunder Tiger is can be seen clearly in the caves ,and one that is a youth ,better-looking deep color ,google,black long hair a few can almost be and dark coincidence ,wearing a strange white clothes ,one hand holding the sword ,walking hardship - visible ,the young man is seriously injured ,the mouth is also constantly dripping with blood, leaning swaying step by step support sword and go - suddenly ,in Thunder Tiger Eye ,a bang the young should ,to fall down - be careful ! Thunder Tiger a .
,busy came prepared to help the youth ,is by Jarre fucks in front of - ray Humeng must be stupefied ,but that anxious glances or pooling in the young person ,and Yael fucks is back with smile: Oh no ,he is not with us belong to the same world ,we can see him ,but he can see us ,but we can really go into the world .
- Thunder Tiger while still can Jarre fucks the meaning ,but is that you can the young ,Thunder Tiger will be : let him like this regardless of ? - don ,he can save himself .
Yael ,shook his head ,then added: this is the one I simulated world space, also can say ,this is just an illusion ,as long as you look down you can . - tu . Thunder Tiger nodded his head ,eyes will look to the lie down in the young ,and Yael fucks also quietly ,but the eyes, seems to be taking some hint of sadness - and the young ,there is no such always lie down ,but tenacious hold up, continue to cave went deep - and Yael fucks with thunder tiger is a station on the ground, but it was with the youth in walking and moving .
Because the stone road ,difficulty walking, several times, the young will hurt it once, then again strong standing up ,continue and go to ,will quickly into the hole when, the youth also fell, but cannot continue up - although that is the illusion ,but ray the tiger was not to have the heart, have a desire to help the young man ,but is unable to move,Facebook, make him feel so completely indifferent look ,seem heartless - but in the end ,the young man was very strong ,though not continue to stand up ,but half lying down ,even to the front crawl with .
Finally ,the young man climbed into the cave ,free ,on the wall, felt relieved ,the youth is a deep sleep - but ,that young adults should take a few deep wounds ,bleeding - Thunder Tiger looked urgently, to Jarre fucks exclaimed: he is going to die ! - don talk, look down .
Jarre fucks smiled - Thunder Tiger one, in desperation ,Thunder Tiger only waiting ,I hope there can be miracles - however ,there really is a miracle, that is ,not a miracle, but strange - the youth on the flow of blood ,he is like a kind of vessel ,along the perimeter ,it has spread, is climbing the wall - all of a sudden ,wall has cracked open, a strong white light was from the crack in explosion * * out - is ,Thunder Tiger was shocked to see ,cnn,the injection of white ,even bizarre outflow some dense text .
The text very beautiful ,but Thunder Tiger is completely cannot read - and ,more surprisingly appeared again, the words seem to have a life in general, was active up ,as a dance song
,swinging ,beating, flying, and then can continue into the young body strange ,as the integration of the youth body disappeared until all in those text into the youth in vivo when,
around the white light is wrapped around the youth of the whole body ,and then as the flames of the general, the young man have been gradually broken ,* * bare significantly into the
eye - so much movement, and the youth still asleep ,but the white is in the continuous transformation of the youth ,like the general is thoroughly to remould oneself ,the whole body
,smooth and very ,very clean ,and even for all the girls feel to envy perfect color - immediately, the young man seems to be a force of traction ,the whole body was slowly float ,Ling
remain empty ,and then can meditation ,it is very quiet ,also the whole The world should have nothing to do with him like - gradually, the young man perfect skin ,has gradually become
to a transparent color, all organs in vivo ,and even bones and blood are fully revealed ,clearly visible ,the infiltration of the white light is like a river ,constantly in the youth
in vivo circulation flow ,the final pool on Employment - the employment ,even with a golden Dan body ,but the elixir ,is about to be broken - Okay ,in the light of circulation
,the rupture of elixirs began to repair ,healing ,and then continuously strong ,more and more big ,become a fist size - and then ,the elixir which seem to be anything to be out of
the general ,even in the expansion burst, was a crushing force - also cracked ! Thunder Tiger to cry ,because in the Thunder Tiger eyes ,the heart of gold which contain the power
is very terrible, if this blasting apart ,situational crisis - Yael fucks see Thunder Tiger that was anxious look ,he smiled and said: all right ,like the initial practice magic Related articles:

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